Primitive Book & Candle Note Cards

Primitive Book & Candle Note Cards

Beautiful antique Book & Candle accented with a feather quill pen, set against an early wooden bowl. (This image was also used as the cover of our Primitive Ponderings 2017 Calendar.)

(MG Notecard #G069)

  • Measuring 4″ x 5.5″
  • Package of four Note Cards
  • Complete with your choice of four Plain White or Brown Kraft Envelopes
    (Please choose Envelope type when adding to cart.)
  • 80lb one-sided Matte finish

Price $6.95 per set
Shipping $1.50

^*^*Special Combo Shipping Rate:
Shipping for each set of Note Cards you order up to and including seven (7) sets is $1.50 per set. Thereafter, shipping will be upgraded to USPS Priority Mail and capped at $9.50 for your Note Cards. If you have other paper items in your Shopping Cart, i.e. Notepads, Notebooks, etc., there will be a MAXIMUM $7.50 Shipping Charge for your entire order. Shipping for other mercantile items such as Tucks, Mugs, etc., will be added separately and will not exceed $12.05 per order.

Please note: All orders are non-refundable.

Price: $6.95

8 in stock

Please Choose Envelope Style *
